While it isn't one of the message boards i frequent very often, Last Fm seems to have quite a vocal community. They seem to find tiny bugs with the site and get into a frenzy, they always want people banned, and a while back, there was outrage when Last Fm decided to change it's rubbish design.

I decided to check out the boards during a study break yesterday and came across some uproar on the message boards about cheating :O
Last FM is of course one of the best things on the net. There isn't exactly a way to describe how useless it really is, except to keep a shoddy record of the music you listen to and to give you somewhat vague references. My favourite part of it is watching the playcount rise by one to a brand new number. It's an excellent substitute to watching the percentage of one of your downloads slowly rise (everyone does that i've recently discovered).
Anyway, it turns out Last FM has turned into a competition of sorts. People are supposedly leaving their computers on 24/7 and have special programs to skip tracks over and over. While we here at FTCZ have often ridiculed people that have listened to 500,000 tracks in the past 2 years as being super losers, it may actually be the case that they are excellent cheaters at something that you can't really cheat at.
And for our amusement, Last Fm users have once again come to the rescue with their over the top anger. They've called for bans of the users and taken pics of people's last fm homepages before circulating them, and funniest of all, they've scrolled through people's 200,000 strong play histories and checked if songs have played all the way through.

We thought the Last Fm groups were insane with their interview processes, but now we know that the craziness is a site-wide phenomenon.
On a wee note: why must the people that do get 200,000 plays only play the gloomiest looking metal music? You think they'd put something a bit different in there to mix it up but that isn't the case :(
Also, Happy Paddy's Day everyone! We're not really into the holiday (in fact the only time i've gone out on the day was last year when i wasn't even in Ireland).The 3 members of FTCZ will all be studying, but there's always aa excellent chance we'll give up and do something :)