Hey peeps,
What better way to end a whatever day this is than with a Music store Recommendation Section battle (apart from absolutely everything - stop reading for your own sake).
So after browsing the rec sections of HMV on grafton st and Tower Records on Wicklow St, both shops threw up a couple of the same recs, a couple of really good recs and some downright shameful stuff. The two biggest music stores in Dublin didn't get it quite right, but they did a decent job all the same.
Come with me, won't you, as i bring you on an absolutely over-the-top look at what each had (NB: this is a rough sample. i
was late for class after all).
First up:

Yeah, i know. I put an example of a good one and a bad one. What a clever thing to do :)
HMV can have their album recs dropped into three categories:
1.Cool, of-the-moment albums (Metronomy, walkmen, friendly Fires) or albums that should be cool but technically aren't (Ida Maria, Fujiya & Miyagi).
2. Really, really bad albums that are there to show how cool HMV is (Fleet Foxes, thievery corporation, the new, worse,cold war kids and of course, Dragonforce)
3. Albums that bought their way into the recommendations (Chemical Brothers compilation, LL Cool J, the new Ice Cube). I love this group coz they seem so out of place.
The selection is a'ight and therefore gets 8 bronze star outta 10.
Now for Tower...

Towers Recs can be sorted into two categories on the other hand (i did the good/bad thing again!):
1. Droopy Tom Dunne endorsed alt rock (Wolf Parade, Mercury Rev, The Hold Steady)
2.Hyped to no end Irish acts (lisa Hannigan, Fight Like Apes, The Blizzards).
The one big exception to this is the new TV On The Radio. Overall, Tower's selection is pretty lame, but at least its new stuff (Crystal Castles is soooo April doncha know).
They get 6 bronze stars outta 10.
Therefore, i can safely say by two whole bronze stars that HMV recommends and shills stuff much better than Tower.
I pray nobody read all of this.