Sunday, September 28, 2008

DRAGONFORCE!!! Teh Rulez??

Wasnt Saturday a terrible day? Not Darfur starving orphan bad, more college student bad. So i tried to cheer myself up the only way I know how, Power Metal!

Dragonforce are playing here soon so they were on my mind, just lurking there having an awesome name. Im sure many of you are more familiar with them from Guitar Hero, and the multitude of Youtube videos of people playing their song, 'A Flame To the Ground Beneath.'

Their new album 'Ultra Beatdown' starts off on that kinda level. The first 30 seconds of 'Heroes of Our Time' cheered me up, there finally were the ball shreddingly fast guitars and heroic sounds I craved all day. The song only gets better, with deep harmonising voices and falsetto main vocals. The second song 'The Fire Still Burns' starts off with some mandatory snyth string sounds, and the synth theme carries on throughout.

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