Friday, January 30, 2009

KeyGenz Musak

Hey Guys!

There have been a serious lack of updates on this thing for a good while!!!
FindtehApologiez will be created soon!

However since all of you are fans of 8-bit music im sure you wont mind a re-appearance with this Choonz-tastic Blog!

If any of you had a dubiously nerdy/dangerous friend who enjoyed copyright infrigment when you were 12 I'm sure you will all be aware of the fact that keygens often have class music. While the actual keygen is like juggling fire, a real good virus scanner is needed, oftentimes these things have absolute gems of Choons on them. These lil soundbits hark back to the days when consoles only had 8- bit colour and 8-bit sound!! The guys that make these things have had the decency to put all the ripped off atari music onto the one website for our aural pleasure!!!

For all you CC fans keep your Kleenex near ;)

Big B

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