My sister felt the need to tell me about all the hilarious posts Calvin Harris made on twitter recently (she's low on gossip - apart from her getting trapped in a cave under her school. Her new nickname is Tomb Raider at school) and it seems to be pretty much in line with the sense of humour he has on tv. And that one time we saw him live. Calvin Harris is pretty funny.
I remember him telling jokes of sort back when we saw him at Oxegen two years ago but it was hardly an appropriate time since the tent he was playing in had water leaking throught it :'(
Then he started cracking wise on E4 in the morning a month or so ago which i wasn't expecting at all. I even got a text saying 'Calvin Harris is on E4 being funny. How r u?". Unfortunately for the person in question, i was already watching it. He was being dry and if it weren't E4, he would have been considered a hostile guest.

But Calvin didn't stop there. Next up he went on the sound on BBC, let himself get felt up a little and then said it being on the show was better than food. He was supposedly funny at Trinners Ball as well but sis is being a prude and not disclosing all the events of said event.
So today, FTCz salutes Calvin Harris for bringing the funny. Nothing brightens up our day more than hearing what he's eating. We're awful sad clearly :/
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