It speaks volumes about a band if they make for excellent walking music. A lot of bands tend to be too quiet (the bon ivers of the world), too wordy (Jeffrey Lewis) or too loud and dangerous for careless pedestrians like me (2 many DJs) to listen to while walking. The loudness is my fault but I can’t listen to it any other way and I can’t see myself changing my ways.
Anyway, having stood on a nail the day before and having to limp my way around for several hours before getting my bus, I needed to call on 2 bands to take my mind off the pain and to act is good walking music. I used Digitalism as always and the new-ish album from Micachu.
How highly do I rate Micachu you ask? Well she’s shot into my top artists on Last Fm after a single week, I say. Not since I got hold of Chairlift has anyone shot up my
Last Fm charts so fast. And that was about a year ago. Well 6 months. I should really read back in the blog to find out but I’m confident nobody reads those old posts :P

Anyway, nobody penetrates my chart so quickly. Not even the almighty Joy Formidable managed that feat and I wouldn’t shut up about them at the time. Ask that friend of mine that was having a meltdown and was a little annoyed that the conversation suddenly turned into an endorsement for TJF.
So, I’m confident that I’ll be spinning Micachu a lot more during the next few weeks. It’s one of those albums that I can now call upon to walk around to. Highly rec’D by FTCz.
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