I'm going to commit the worst music blog sin of all by mentioning a film :O If Q magazine can get away with it monthly, I'm sure i can get away with it once. The film is Harry Potter of course.
The Harry Potter films have the awesome aura around them that Disney films (people that go to Disneyland with me should know how hyper i get)and old Nickelodeon shows and Pokemon seem to have. I just can't get enough of it. The cinematic experience always is surrounded by some problem (especially this time), but i always grow to love the new film.
In the build-up to the new film (my favourite part), i tend to try and get in the right mindset. And to do this, i often listen to one of the more neglected bands on my iPod: Harry & the Potters.

As part of one of the most FTCZ-approved genres, wizard rock, these guys cover Harry's life and the incredible amount of bad luck he seems to have. Harry & The Potters also happen to be a really good band (much better than other bands beginning with H on my iPod - Howling Bells/The Hold Steady have had their day). They've also been the inspiration for a number of other awesome bands in the genre like Draco & The Malfoys, and The Moaning Myrtles (all highly recommended).
With that, FTCZ stamps its fluorescent seal of approval on HATP and the wizard rock genre. Can't wait for the next film already :D
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