Friday, July 10, 2009

My Little Brother Just Discovered Rock n' Roll

Hey readers,

My siblings can be real characters at times, completely unintentionally. I hate them both, but they do things to make me smile every so often. Not usually on purpose. My sister got trapped in a cave underneath her school a few months back while her friend cried and played ‘the man who can’t be moved’ by the script over and over. They now call her Tomb Raider XD And now my brother posted this gem on youtube.

Dismayed at the state of music (he went to a BellX1 gig a few weeks ago and felt the need to go on about how dissatisfaction with it for an excessive period of time), he and his friend took it upon themselves to make the greatest music in the world. In between his countless hours practicing Joy Division/Modest Mouse riffs, he came up with a few of his own.

The song is all right apart from a) his ridiculous attempt at singing (he should stick to playing base and not try to stand out – just like all other base players. Know your place T), and b) the very long and very funny rant that starts it off.

Yep. My brother is the guy that can’t hide his displeasure with things. Just like several of my best friends, he won’t let things go and just get on with it. It’s been at least 2 weeks and he’s still going on about it! It’s a pity the world is run by people like him.

If all it takes is one bad gig to inspire him, then there’s plenty of inspiration out there for him.

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