Monday, October 6, 2008

Another Fujiya & Miyagi Live Review :O


Sorry for the delay my public :)

After accompanying the hallowed Sonic C to the Fugiya and Miyagi gig in Cyprus Avenue and propostum he promising that I would comment here it goes:

I'm surprised these guys have not had more chart success and recognition. Their sound is a very cool melting pot of, like one of those chain coffee house blends, -java/sumatra/kenya, that sings to a sweet tune on the lips and ears .
Mika/Chemical Brothers/ the coffee surprisingly the hap-hash mix works, and gives you that buzz fix.

Best's unique vocals while at first are enthralling bring a homogeneity to all songs after a while. Quirky songs like Knickerbocker and Fujiya and Miyagi are definite strong points.

I think thats all for now. Hope you enjoyed part one of my FTCZ invasion.
Mr. A

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