Saturday, October 4, 2008

Is creepy hawk imagery the new orange?

Hey internet peeps,

Hawks are the most creepy things on earth. Besides making the worst creatures ever list (along with those ants that eat everything, locusts, vultures and engineers), they're also cursed with the inability to look remorseful. They strike me as the type of creature that looks for sympathy when it's losing to its opponent too.

But despite their scores of faults, the awful creature has been gracing two too many (funny wording) album covers as of late.

While we here at FTCZ think it probably suits Kings Of Leon considering their lead singer sounds more hawk than man, for a band like Mogwai to put such spine-chilling image on their cover is unjustified. While it does suit their album title, they could have simply done more with the howling visuals of 'A Hawk Is Howling'.

While bands such as Chairlift, Lovvers, Eugene McGuinness and Kid Sister are avoiding this new fad of hawk imagery, FTCZ will be on the lookout in case it strikes again.As for whether it is actually the new orange, we'll simply have to wait and see....

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