The new NME should be out unreasonably soon (tomorrow I think) so when better to review the previous issue J The most striking memory I have off the bat involves me seeing some guy reading it when I was on the bus to visit someone last week and how alternative he was. From his hair, right down to his super skinny jeans, that guy was the shit.
I now know exactly what an NME reader who isn’t me looks like. He thumbed through the Glasvegas article and mercilessly flicked passed the lovvers article without giving it a chance. Asshole.
Anywayz, this weeks issure wasn’t as good as last weeks. Firstly, no student guide, free posters or awesome cover. Just Glasvegas. NME have gone a little overboard with the ‘most important band in britain’ comment. They also say that it’s ok to disapprove of people using that term so disapprove we will. Coz Glasvegas are the lamest sounding band and easily one of the biggest disappointments in an age. Not since the Les Savy Fav hype has FTCZ felt so used.
As for the rest (and by rest I mean everything excluding that annoyingly long Glasvegas feature) theres plenty of good and bad.
Firstly, there’s a hawt picture of Ladyhawke where she says she wants to do summat with MGMT. Theres also a feature on Lovvers (that’s some FTCZ approved muzak right there), a Crystal Castles live review (that’s a FTCZ endorsed gig right there) and a live review of Little Boots, who pwn all.
On the flip side, there’s lame oasis stuff, and a TV on The Radio article that’s all moany coz Dave Sitek (the guy responsible for ‘Show Your Bones’ you aurally challenged losers) wasn’t around for the interview. Instead they got to talk to the cool members of the band and not to some guy that is so lame that Foals jettisoned him from their album.
The best news is there’s an actual Crystal Castles interview in the new issue which is reason enough to buy the album for the first time ever.
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