We're playing catch up here at FTCZ due to our out and out negligence of the blog as a result of being all over the place/being ill (quote - i had a nice gawk earlier - Big B is teh funnyZ)/having assignments coming out the you-know-where (and the lack of will to do them).
So now we'll simply have to cram the reviews of the last 2 issues of NME into one post :P "But Sonic C, why must you always review NME? Can't you give Q or Spin or Hot Press for once?" Sorry reader, but here: have free entry to your local roflbrothel on us :D While you're being lolled senseless, keep in mind that we have
Anywayz onto NME 2 weeks ago...
Before we get to what is clearly the talking point, let me just say how awesome any article looking into Soulwax's other aliases is. But of course the mag was better than that: Crystal Castles interview!
Having being accidentally ounched in the face by Alice Glass and with Big B being kicked in the face by her at Electric Picnic, and with me having felt her up a little bit by accident, we have a very strong connection with Alice.
But no way would I have imagined she'd tell the stories she does in this interview. People are murdered (one have their head smashed in with a hammer), there's fights with satanists using crowbars and condoms full of junky you-know-what. It is easily one of the best interviews I've read in the mag in the 4 years i've been doing it. Crystal Castles are simply badass in every way.
As for this weeks issue: talk about letdown central :( The Cribs are a'ight as long as they don't have 3 pages written about them. That's a bit much for our stomachs. And an A-Z of AC/DC is a waste of ink. Promoting an AC/DC album in 2008 = epic fail.
There were slight consolations though. Dananananakroyd got a full page story about how awesome they are and Gang Gang Dance didn't get mangles in the reviews section. All in all, it made for excellent 'waiting on the bus before it actually leaves' reading material. Since the Last Shadow Puppets seem to be next weeks big dealio, FTCZ will likely spend it's time reading proper books as opposed to NME next time we travel.
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