One of our absolute favourite bands that we skipped over at Oxegen last year (we just had to see Arcade Fire) has split! I am of course speaking of one of the bands we cherish so dearly: The Long Blondes :(

On the plus side, their early stuff got released this week and we're well psyched to here it. FTCZ hearts TLB foreva after all.
But let’s end this post on a more positive note: Boy Kill Boy have also split :)

As many of you know (or need to be reminded of) I’ve been really anti-BKB since day one. I even had a scathing review of their debut album heavily edited and censored by a significant publication two years ago (you know the one).
I wouldn’t have heard this delightful tidbit of news had I not browsed the comments below the piece on the Long Blondes at To the guy that was up in arms about nme reporting about TLB and not BKB ( <---zomg @ this), please send your address so FTCZ can send you the biggest LOL it can find.
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