Monday, October 6, 2008

Teh ClassikZ #1

Hey internet peeps,

Considering the fast pace of the internet and with the recession and everything (don't worry your pretty heads, thats a red herring comment), there needs to be perspective on albums that came out a while back and people somehow missed them and act completely clueless when i cleverly reference them (like about an hour ago).

FTCZ has taken note of its flooded inbox requesting more hip hop coverage so that's where we'll start. While one might see this as a sneaky way of gearing up for the 'best of the 00s' that every music blog has to write next year, we can assure you that it's only 3/4 of our intention.

Anywayz: album a haon (thats some irish right there g's)

While we (I) gave Method Man a super write up the other day (he is pretty awesome), Ghostface is teh king of the Clan. And it's easily one of the best albums of the decade (zomg @ Sonic C's trademark controversial statements).

For people that don't like rap, TS (:O). You gotz to give this a listen.

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